- Can I do this diet for more than 3 days?
NO. You can only do it 3 days at a time and revert back to a regular low healthy low calorie diet after that you also have to go back to a regular diet to give your metabolism a chance to reset itself.
- What do i drink during the diet?
Water , water ,water :)
- Hot dogs are unhealthy why are they in this diet?
It a combination of the food and how the chemically break down each other that helps boost your metabolism and promote weight loss. AGAIN - this is not my diet i am just following it. :)
- Can I substitute some of the foods?
Ideally no , because the way the diet works most effectively is how the foods combine with each other. But there are a list of acceptable substitutes.
Well, in reality, most of the diets which have a military style name like the Israeli Army Diet and Russian Air force Diet don't resemble anything which a new recruit goes through.
Recruits usually shed some fat because they become much more active during their bootcamp. On the other hand, the so-called military diets tend to be very restrictive nutritionally. They try to get you to lose weight by getting you to eat much less. For instance, the Israeli Army Diet lets you eat just one thing for two days straight at a time. Talk about a hard diet to stick to.
Yes, you can shed some weight very fast by doing such a diet. You may even lose 10 pounds in 3 days with it.
However, starving yourself like this isn't a good idea if you want to lose weight and keep it off for a long time afterward. In addition, don't you expect that recruits will be given enough food considering all the massive physical exercise and drills they have to do?
These military diet don't really have any connection with any army. They are, at best, very low and restrictive calorie diets. They may help you lose weight fast, but they won't help you keep it off for long.
by John Davenport